Best Restaurants in June in Millah Murrah (Updated 2024)

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8Charred Kitchen & Bar

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M28***27First of all, Australia does not have a "Michelin" list, "Ding Taifeng" and "Add Good Luck" can not be counted, Australia's great restaurant, called "Hat Restaurant". This statement is the restaurant rating selected by Citibank's title-sponsored Good Food Guide (GFG) every year. Similar to Michelin, one top is the most basic and three tops are the highest. GFG will also award awards such as "Chef of the Year", "Restaurant of the Year", "Young Chef of the Year", "New Restaurant of the Year", "Wine List of the Year", and the 10 best new restaurants in Australia from 2018. In addition to the chef hat, there is also an accompanying wine list rating, marked by high-legged glasses, 1 most basic, 3 highest, often some Wine List long restaurant, although only 1 hat, but the wine list is 3 high cups, love to drink friends are blessed. Orange's three best hat restaurant: CHARRED, is Australia's Michelin Samsung. The first keyword: wine list! Three high-legged wine lists! Three high-legged wine lists for multiple years! ! I haven't seen such a thick wine list in a long time! 93 pages! ! ! 2018, 2019 and 2020 have won the award of the best wine list many times. It's so powerful! The second keyword: cheap! Can not order (special period), only four-course set meal, 90 Australian dollars/person! Bordeaux is very cheap, similar to the retail price of DM! Michelin Samsung and three other hats can not eat so chic! The third key word: style! Even the wine is opened with a bottler. The fourth key word: quality! The wine is well preserved! The sommelier is very professional! The waiter is very friendly! The color and fragrance of the dish are impeccable! With the selected Barrosa worship winery Greenock creek Griller Creek Alice Silla Alices Shiraz Classic Barrosa Silla, the aroma of red berries such as strong black cherries and red currants, the faint coffee, dark chocolate, licorice aroma blend, gently shake the wine glass, The aroma is relaxed in the cup, layered and wonderful. After the entrance, the tannins are silky and delicate, and the aftertaste is the charcoal roast of oak barrels, like Alice: gentle, delicate, brave and generous.